Common Questions about Targeting

A.W. Empire answers FAQ for webmasters — targeting, the best GEO, favorite categories, and preferred devices

Over the years we have been asked standard questions about targeting and other tips as such over and over again. So we thought it would be a good idea to prepare an article focusing on the particular subject. For you, our dear partners, we present a reference guide. Read it, share it, bookmark it now, and save it for later.

So, all the hands on the targeting deck — it is a boot camp for GEOs, preferred category selections, and best tools. Long story short, every campaign requires proper testing and there is no one-size-fits-them-all approach. And for those interested in details — read on the article.


Know your targeting 

Just as every do has its day, so it is that every website has its own approach. That being said, knowing how to improve the UX (and subsequently the retention rate) requires knowing how to finesse the users. It is easier said than done — every website has its users niche… but we do have a couple of tips for you webmasters out there.

Tips for tube site owners:

Use a WhiteLabel tailored to your specifics to ensure seamless user experience, to take advantage of your existing brand and increase revenues. Bring your unique users to your WhiteLabel so as to benefit from the domain based tracking to build up your passive revenues. To assure brand continuity by aligning WhiteLabel layout and domains with your website, it is best to use the following tools:

  • Model feed: organically complements your website — ain’t too pushy and fits your website content nicely.
  • Cam tab overlay: whenever the user hovers over the tab, they are shown a sneak pic of the WhiteLabel models.
  • Link codes: the most common promo tool, marked by its performance — simple to use on the backlinks, tabs, and any other link ad formats.

A tip for informative site owners:

Whether it is a blog, review, or just an index — remember that SEO is king. Upon request, we are ready to share the top performing categories, negative keywords, and model lists to craft your targeting flawlessly.

Of course, the devil’s in the details, and precise targeting goes beyond those tips above. But for starters, this should be enough to spur the influx of users to your website.


General and optimal settings of choice

There are no magic settings that will do wonders no matter what. We can give you three main tips, regarding GEO (testing), top-categories, and best models to work with.

Test to find your GEO. We are able to convert all the GEOs on our side, but there is still no one-size-fits-them-all region, so test’em all. It mainly boils down to the value of the individual users that you are bringing in. And no, avoiding testing is not an option, since all the situations are unique and yesterday’s lackluster campaign could turn profitable overnight by changing just one single variable at times.

Categories can also be quite versatile, however, try starting with the basics: Transgirl, Mature, Fetish, Lesbian, Couple. Your strategy can start with those, but it shouldn’t end there, spice things up with some additional categories, depending on the circumstances.

Top performing models of the month can be learned about after asking your account manager, so that you can build your strategy around them and improve your chances of success. Communication with your AM is the key to stay competitive and keep your campaigns profitable.



It is understandable why questions like “What’s the best target settings?” or “Which GEO to target” are always on top — they’re exact, pragmatic, and up to the point. However, affiliate marketing is a turbulent sphere, filled with way too many variables to account. Which is why best targeting or GEO are very contextual.

The good news is that testing can remedy most of the uncertainty for a small price, or better yet — for a short-term loss with the benefit of long-term vision. Virtually any GEO, category, or model can be made profitable, when the context is right. Communicate with your AM actively to solve the problem of building a profitable campaign together. AM’s experience multiplied by your lust for profit is the key to start earning big. And with a bit of patience, you will become unstoppable. Remember, we are always by your side and ready to deal with any request of yours: